Interview With Lara O'Connor Hodgson  

President &CEO of Now Corp

In this interview, recorded exclusively for the Wealth Creators Network, Now Corp President and CEO, Lara O'Connor Hodgson shares how issues she had collecting payments at her previous company gave her the idea for Now Corp, and the advice she received that helped her get Now Corp of the ground.  She also shares how she went from Beta to a full launch, how she attracted initial investors and resisted big venture capitalists, why strategic partners were important and why she didn't invest too much in marketing early in the process.

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In this video you will hear...

1.00 - What is Now Corp, and how it got started

3.30 - How issues with her previous company gave her the idea for Now Corp

4.27 - Advice she received that got Now Corp off the ground and running

6.35 - A partnership with Coca Cola showed why Now was a need for small businesses

9.20 - How they moved from Beta to open the gates and fully launch

11.45 - How they got initial investors on board and why they resisted big venture capitalists

13.38 - Why it was important to find strategic investors

14.42 - Why they didn’t invest too much in marketing early on but are now ready to invest

16.48 - Their unique marketing strategy and why it’s different

18.48 - Why a lack of resources is preventing a new product and revenue source

21.04 - How she created two companies before Now Corp

23.50 - Why she prefers a personal board of directors over a mentor

26.18 - Why the work/life balance is the wrong question


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In this video you will learn...

1.00 - What is Now Corp, and how it got started

3.30 - How issues with her previous company gave her the idea for Now Corp

4.27 - Advice she received that got Now Corp off the ground and running

6.35 - A partnership with Coca Cola showed why Now was a need for small businesses

9.20 - How they moved from Beta to open the gates and fully launch

11.45 - How they got initial investors on board and why they resisted big venture capitalists

13.38 - Why it was important to find strategic investors

14.42 - Why they didn’t invest too much in marketing early on but are now ready to invest

16.48 - Their unique marketing strategy and why it’s different

18.48 - Why a lack of resources is preventing a new product and revenue source

21.04 - How she created two companies before Now Corp

23.50 - Why she prefers a personal board of directors over a mentor

26.18 - Why the work/life balance is the wrong question
